Harry Potter in subtitles

It will be awhile before the next movie...

I was surfing the net and found movie subtitles. I am also anguished to find that Dumbledore's really dead and dead he stays. That' alright because I just wanted to share with you Harry Potter in subtitles. I just want to say that I am not making fun of the English.

I just want to share the fun. Hover over picture to read the subtitles.

Yeah, Hally Porter, you go!

Again, just want to say again that it's great when people learn new language. It doesn't mean I can't smile about it and have a fun day.

You can read the rest here.

*Edited again to fit in my new template.


Serendipity said...

These are for real. I think it's DVD from China or Taiwan and they put in sub-title for other Asian country who can't read Chinese or whatever.

You should take a look at subtitles for Jackie Chan's son's movie. I will post it later. Too good to miss!

Serendipity said...

Unfortunately, I don't have this Asian version, or my kids will roll on the floor laughing, that is if they noticed subtitles at all. My daughter's attracted to Harry. Her and millions of others girls.