I Am Lucky To Have Zenni Optical!

Two of my children need to wear glasses. The first one I bought for my 5 years old broke within 3 hours of getting it home. I kid you not. It literally broke in half. A cousin of his was making fun of his four-eyes, he got so frustrated, and he broke it. I paid 100 dollars for that pair of eyeglasses. Ugh! The worst part is I forgot to purchase replacement insurance. Double ugh! I have not even gotten yet to my 11 years old pair of 250 dollars glasses. She lost it. It is not the first time this happened either.

I too used break my glasses, but never on purpose. The first year I started wearing glasses, I broke 10 pairs. I would misplace them, and then found them when I hear them crack under my heels or under my bottom because I step or sat on it. I have no idea how my mother dealt with it. She'd get me another because I needed it to see. It took me ages to remember to take them off properly so I don't lose them in my sleep. My mother does not have many alternatives. She wasn’t lucky enough to have online shopping then.

1 comment:


This is only a reminder of you being the guest friend on Today's Flowers tomorrow!

have a nice weekend!